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/ coobie


Ingredient List


  1. Add water to cracked wheat to just cover surface and allow to absorb - 20 minutes or so.
  2. Slice meat and onions then add all ingredients and mid together in a large container.
  3. Blend and mix mixture two times through the mincer.

Extra Information

The above method is exactly how Grandad had written it on a piece of paper he sent me. It feels rude to change it, but it's potentially missing some details if you've never made it before:

Click here to read that long and convoluted story recipes normally put at the top (you're welcome)

Optional Story

I'm a measly 1/8th Lebanese. My Grandad is 1/2 Lebanese, and this recipe has been transfered to us through him. We think that Coobie (that's how we pronouce it) is a version of Kibbeh or كبة, that has slowly morphed over the years to become an entirely different dish for our family. I think 50% of the meals I've had with my Grandparents have involved coobie. Grandad has a big steel mincer we used to clamp to a wooden table outside. When I was a little kid, I'd watch him mince the meat, and as I got older, I'd be assigned mincing duty. We'd pick the mint from two giant pots that sat outside. I remember once I had to back the mincer up because I spotted a big caterpillar under a leaf I'd just stuffed into it. Grandad said something along the lines of: "Just a bit of extra protein". I wonder how many caterpillar's I've eaten over the years...

Also, I don't know how you're supposed to eat Kibbeh, but it's not sacrilegious to drown our coobie in tomato sauce.