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A single slice of lasagne

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This lasagne is surprisingly easy to make, so long as you already have the bolognese sauce. Making the bolognese sauce is the most time consuming part.

  1. Make the white sauce (sometimes called béchamel if you're French)
    • I use a ratio of 1 tablespoon of butter to 1 tablespoon of flour to 1 cup of milk for my sauce. For this lasagne, I do a 5x batch.
    • Melt the butter in a saucepan
    • Whisk in the flour. Attempt to minimise lumps.
    • Add milk a cup at a time while whisking until it's all combined and simmering lightly.
    • Throw in a handful of cheddar.
    • If it's too firm, add some more milk. If it's not firm enough, whisk in another tablespoon of flour.
    • Add salt and pepper to the white sauce to taste.
  2. Time to layer up the lasagne. Get out your lasagne dish.
    • The order of layers is: Bolognese Sauce, White Sauce, Pasta Sheet.
    • The layers are thinner then you'd think. Layers that are too thick can make it feel like you're eating a bolognese soup. You want to only just cover each layer. The white sauce layer doesn't need to 100% cover the layer either.
    • Start each white sauce layer by 100% covering the edges of the tray.
    • End on a white sauce layer. The only layer of white sauce you do want to cover the whole dish with is this last one for aesthetic reasons. If you don't have enough, don't stress, just make more.
    • Cover the top with another handful of cheese.
    • Sprinkle on as much rosemary and oragano as you feel like, and bake until it looks delicious!
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My Dad is the king of lasagne. I have probably eaten almost a hundred of these over my lifetime and it never disappoints. This lasagne has started fights between my sisters and I, because they'd always eat the corner and edge slices first, leaving only middle lasagne (the burnt edges were everyones favourite part). Every family Christmas, the extended family would request that our family bring the "Christmas Lasagne". This dish featured heavily in my upbringing, and still does to this day. If you make it, take a picture and let me know! 😊

The whole cooked lasagne in a ceramic cooking dish