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Tomato Sauce

Ingredient List


  1. Melt butter in a pot.
  2. Once melted, add crushed tomatos, a pinch of pepper (and salt if using unsalted butter), and just a touch of rosemary and oregano.
  3. Let it simmer for ~5 mins
  4. Done. Yes, it's actually that easy.

A plate of Nonna's Crack sauce

Click here to read that sentimental story and additional tips/tricks that other websites normally put at the top (you're welcome)

Optional Story

When I was younger I remember driving around with my dad running chores. We made a quick stop at my Nonna and Nonno's place at around lunch time to either pick something up, drop something off, or maybe just say hello. I remember Nonna exclaiming that we must come in and eat, she was just cooking something. ~10 minutes later I'm eating this pasta and it's one of the best pasta pasta dishes I've ever had. I remember being confused because I swear she'd started and finished it in around 10 minutes so I quizzed her about it and she explained the recipe was roughly what I've written above. While I can't remember the exact ratio of butter to tomatos that she used, I remember being slightly revolted at the sheer quantity of butter I realised I'd consumed once she showed how to make it.

Extra tips/tricks: