The most consistently bad variable name.
An idea for how to kill time in Japan by buying cute Japanese pokemon cards, and obtain a cute memento of the trip.
Some interesting differences between Korea, Japan and Australia that I wrote down while in Seoul.
Some interesting differences between Japan and Australia that I wrote down while on a 3 week holiday in Japan.
Some information and travel ideas from our winter holiday in Nozawa Onsen, in which we stayed at the Berg Marukaneya
Some notes about the process of creating a serverless Python website, so that it is hosted for free on AWS.
And my personal quest to remember all 190+ of them
Exploring a quirk of Python's type hinting with the pipe operator
My speech at Laura and Dallas's Wedding
Using setuptools to specify project metadata in pyproject.toml, but dependencies in python
Some code to make a reasonable sized plotly histogram.
A guide on how to download all your Facebook messages for storage or analysis
A visualisation of the results from the Sunshine Coast Marathon 2024
Exploring the hidden complexity of a good Match 3 game implementation.
Making rotating cards in Pygame
A review of the book: "Death's End" by Liu Cixin
Using the Gamma distribution with the 6 parameter method returns incorrect values
For p or q parameters greater than ~int32_max, AnyLogic's Beta distribution samples incorrect values
A review of the book, "The Dark Forest" by Liu Cixin
A review of the famous book, "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin
Fixing a Python bug caused by some interesting pip behaviour
A summary, review, and musings about the game 'Potion Craft'.
A writeup about an experiment I performed to test some friends abilities to descriminate between Coke and Pepsi
How to install Python - The eternal question
How to configure a certificate to cover subdomains AND apex domain.
My first blog post.